A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments

The sketching interactions in environments assignment is about sketching and prototyping interactions in a range of environments (i.e., online, physical, hybrid). week  4-5

Students investigate ways to communicate the interaction flow of an environment through playing and sketching experiences with prototyping tools in space. We expect students to demonstrate various design iterations by conducting series of  spatial experiments, which include methods of hacking and making. Students will investigate ways to hack existing products such as IFTTT, Phillips Hue and be introduced to design tools related to prototyping space.


(1) Video sketch of space, deliver space with interactive elements
(2) Process documentation of iterations of studio drawings, storyboards for walk through, and video sketch of demo.
(3) Photographic documentation and drawings of studio explored iteratively.

(a) 200×200 pixel thumbnail for project with 35 word description (e.g., one sentence).
(b) Link to process work. Documented real in-progress process (not process fictions). Document and reflect on your design process as you work.
(c) Self-reflection questions at end of assignment.
(d) Submit final files to Box folder.
(e) Intranet submission: All projects are required to be uploaded to the CMU Design intranet, complete with imagery, descriptions, and links as appropriate. This is a requirement for all projects, so make sure you know how to log in, have the correct password, etc.

Studio A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments  15%
•  Are the mini-prototyping experiments compelling, desirable and meaningful?
•  Are the physical, digital, and hybrid environment components documented online?
•  Are is the process work documented online visually and the process work explained?
•  Is there tangible evidence of exploration multiple versions, iterations, documented site visits (e.g., multiple types of sketches, photographs, annotations, etc)
•  Were the final files submitted?

Prototyping Lab A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments  25%
•  Did the student iterate their design prototypes enough and demo novel/meaningful/desirable interactive experience?